A Guide To High Water Heater Pressure

Pressure buildup in a water heater is never something to be ignored. If not repaired, your water heater becomes a ticking time bomb that could explode. If you notice the signs of pressure buildup, it's vital that you shut down the water heater until you can schedule an inspection and repair. Symptoms of Building Pressure The most obvious sign of overly high water pressure is that the pressure relief valve, located at the top of the tank, is regularly leaking water. Read More 

How Heating Elements Work In Your Water Heater And How Repairs Are Done When An Element Goes Bad

If you have an electric water heater that's not making enough hot water, or if you don't have any hot water at all, a faulty heating element could be to blame. Electric water heaters usually have two heating elements in them, and one or both can go bad. Here's a look at how the heating elements work, why they go bad, how to tell when a heating element goes bad, and how a plumbing contractor might make repairs. Read More 

Three Possible Reasons Why You Can’t Seem To Get Much Hot Water

When the hot water is completely out, most homeowners know that there's definitely a problem with the water heater. But what if you're able to get some hot water out of the pipes, but not much of it? If you're finding that it takes a long time to get hot water to come out of the pipes or that you're not able to get much of it before it runs out, then one of these three problems could be at fault. Read More 

3 Things To Know About Drain Cleaning

Dealing with blockages or clogs in drains is something that most homeowners will deal with at least a few times. While much of the time, all you need is a plunger, some blockages may be too stubborn to deal with on your own. If you have a blocked drain and cannot fix it, it's time to call in a plumber for professional drain cleaning services. Here are three things that you should know about drain cleaning. Read More 

Water Heater Trouble 101: Things To Watch For

Water heaters are one of the less-frequently talked about home appliances, but they are also one of the most important. When your hot water heater is on the fritz, it can disrupt all sorts of tasks, from showers to washing dishes. For those homeowners who aren't familiar with common hot water tank issues, you may not fully recognize when you need water heater repair. Here's a look at what you need to know about some of the problems that you might encounter that necessitate the attention of a water heater repair technician. Read More